Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Point Park, Lookout Mountain, TN - "The Battle Above the Clouds."

Last week I had to go Ashville, NC for work training. On the way back Thursday I decided to stop in Chattanooga and visit Point Park and the Chickamauga Battlefields. I've been going to Point Park since I was a little kid and have always loved the place. When I was in the Boy Scouts we earned our 50 miler award at Chickamauga. Today's post is about Point Park. This is the first time I've been up here with a good camera and time alone to explore and really figure out what happened up here. They've cut away a bunch of the small trees and undergrowth from the edges of the park and now you can look down and get a good idea of how the battle actually went down. Plus I finally went into the new visitor's center and saw the huge painting that was painted with the view from the valley floor. That gave me a new and better perspective on how the battle flowed. Anyway, enough history geek stuff, enjoy the pics and remember to leave a comment letting me know if you like them.

Great view of one of the gun batteries looking out toward the valley.

A really fun tree on the trail to the Ochs museum.

With the trees cleared away I was able to get out on ledges I've never been on before to get some really good views.

Looking out over Moccasin Bend.

Zoomed in on one of the gun batteries.

The New York Monument. The statue at the top is a Union and Confederate Soldier together to show the healing after the war.

Looking back across Lookout Mountain. There are a couple of vultures on the stone pillar there.

Zoomed in on the vultures.

Coming back up from the Ochs museum looking up at one of the gun batteries.

Looking past the guns out at Chattanooga.

I recreated the postcard photo I've been seeing for decades in all the gift shops around the area. I really do like this view too.

Hope you like the pics I'll be posting more as soon as I get them edited as I want them

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing these great photos with us. I have been enjoying your posts lately. Have a great rest of your day and keep up the posts.
    Greg Prosmushkin
