Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Pictures From Vulcan Park

I know it's been a while since I posted here, but I've been pretty busy with the bike blog and haven't taken many non-bike pictures to share. A week or so ago I had a free Sunday and decided to head out and see what I could find to shoot. These are some of the pics. I went up on Red Mountain to Vulcan Park and walked around taking a few pictures. I didn't go inside the tower this time, I figured I'd wait until Allison could go with me to do that. Vulcan is a large cast iron statue and is only 2nd only to the Statue of Liberty in size.If you want to know more about it you can start here or go to the official site here. For now though just enjoy the pics. I hope to have some more up soon, I've been doing a lot more playing around and Allison is finally getting excited about taking pictures too so maybe we'll get out and get some more.

From the parking area.

Vulcan mooning the city of Homewood.

I kind of liked how this one turned out.

The elevator shaft was added in the 60's or 70's so that more people could get to the top.

Looking out over Birmingham from Vulcan Park.

This looks like one of the old Postcards I used to see when I was a kid.

Looking out over another part of Birmingham from Vulcan Park.

Another "vintage postcard" like view.

Vulcan overlooking Birmingham wondering where all the damn steel mills went.

Hope you likes these, I'll have more stuff to post soon.